Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 11

We began the day by giving our presentations. I think all of the Taiwanese students were very nervous because they had to give their portion of the presentation in English. Everyone did a great job and I learned a lot.

Theresa and Betty giving their presentation about long term care

Maggie and Claire giving their presentation about mental health

Each of us received a certificate for completing the exchange student course through China Medical University. In the above picture, Kim receives her certificate from Dr. Chen. 

The China Medical University Students receiving their certificates.

After giving our presentation, some of the girls and I did some shopping. I bought two awesome pairs of shoes for about $20 US dollars. It was nice to have some free time to enjoy the city.  

Tonight we had to say goodbye to our Taiwanese counterparts. We have had to rely on them for so much over the past few weeks, that we have formed a close bond. It's sad to say goodbye, but we hope to see them again in the future. To celebrate the end of our class, we spent the night singing karaoke at the party palace. It's was a night of good fun and a great way to conclude our time together!

Kai and I; Kai is my Starbucks partner and a class clown!

Kim and her partner Carrie

Tomorrow we head back to Taipei, before we head to the southern part of the country for a beach vacation. No one can believe how fast time has passed!

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