Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 12

Today we left Taichung to head back to Taipei, leaving our Taiwanese friends behind. The China Medical University students came to say goodbye again this morning. It was so sad to say goodbye. It's amazing how close a group of people can get in only 12 days. I don't think there was a dry eye anywhere to be found. We hope to see our friends again some day! The Taiwanese students made a video for us to capture our time together and they did an awesome job. You can view it at:

One last Starbucks trip with Kai

Everyone is packed and ready to go

Kim dreading carrying all of her luggage

The CMU students waving goodbye

Once we arrived back it Taipei, we spent the afternoon shopping and then some of us went to Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf, which is pretty much a boardwalk along the water with mountains in the background. We arrived in time to watch the sun set and it was breathtaking. I would have loved to spent a lot of time there. 

Cool dog posing!

They had a walking bridge that was really cool!

Watching the sunset

So Beautiful!

There were shops selling fresh seafood.

Kim and Maggie enjoying our evening

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