Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 13

Today we took a speed train from Taipei to Kaohsiung, which is in the southern portion of the country. It definitely seems hotter hearer!
Once we arrived we ate lunch at a hotpot place. I love these places! So good! After lunch we visited Kaohsiung Medical University. They told us about their public health program and gave us a brief tour of the library. I was surprised by the number of faculty they have with an MPH from Tulane.
We then concluded the day with dinner at Ray's parents house, who live about 30 minutes outside of Kaohsiung. His family owns a farm and a restaurant. The restaurant is very famous and people come from all around to eat there. They have a beautiful home and the food was delicious too!
After dinner we went up on a mountain to drink some tea. The place overlooked the city and was so cool!

Lunch at the hotpot place

An afternoon snack at KMU.

Ray with his mom, dad, Dr. Chen, and Dr. Seal

I don't have many pictures from today. Tomorrow we are all looking forward to spending the day at the beach!

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