Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 9

We started the day with a visit to the Health Center of South-est-North Changhua City. A doctor from the  health center talked about some of the health promotion programs they have. They have a program for kindergardeners about how to wash their hands in an attempt to stop the spread of enterovirus. To prevent dengue fever they provide education on mosquito control. They also screen for HIV, HPV, TB, breast cancer, and other things.

Dr. Chen presented gifts to Dr. Lee, who talked to us about the health center

Next we visited a nursing home, where they gave us a tour of the facility. 

Dr. Chen translating as the lady from the nursing home tells us about the facility.

Finally, we visited a farm that is used to not only grow food, but also to teach school aged children about growing food, insects, frogs, and other things found in nature. We were able to take a tour of the garden.

Rice growing in the field

To welcome us at the farm, they set off fireworks They used flint, water, and fire to set them off. It made a super loud noise. 

Danielle adding flint to the bamboo.

Getting ready to set off the fireworks

Pretty flowers in the garden

More flowers

An orchard 

Doris and I in the garden

Iris has family that lives here and tonight they had us over for a feast. There was so much food and it was all very good. Here are some pictures from tonight:

Vivian, Iris, Danielle, Dr. Chen, and Alan

Alan, Danielle, and Angela

The feast!

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