Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 15: Last Day

Today is our last day in Taiwan and it is bittersweet--we are sad to say goodbye to Taiwan, but anticipate returning to our lives in the US. We started the day at 4:30 am to watch the sun rise over the Pacific. As Dr. Chen said, "You may forget a lot of moments in your life, but this one will stick with you for a while". He is right!

Next, a group of us headed to the Aquarium. It was the coolest aquarium I've ever been to. There were water tunnels that we walked through to look at fish and whales. Then we were able to see penguins and puffins. It was so fun! The nerd in all of us came out!

We then traveled back to Taipei so that we can fly out in the morning. We concluded the day by having dinner with two of our Taiwanese counterparts, Vivian and Kai. We went to a Shabu-shabu or hotpot place, which has become my favorite place.  It was so great to see Kai and Vivian again. 
Kai and Vivian at dinner


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