Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 6

Today was another touristy day for us. We started the day by Chung Tai Chan Monastery, which is beautifully situated within the mountains. Here we were able to learn about Buddhism. I personally didn't know a lot going into this experience, so it was interesting to learn about the teaching. Buddhism centers around having a pure mind and controlling your mind- having good zen and karma. We even got to practice meditating. The monastery was beautiful.
Bridge in front of the monastery

Doris and I on a bridge in front of the monastery

Buddha sitting on his baggage that he has let go of

These are Arhats that get rid of the three deadly poisons 

Buddha inside the monastery

Our next stop was at a tea plantation. We could see the rows of tea growing and got to taste some of the tea.
Doris and I at the tea plantation 

Tea plantation

Our next stop was at Sun Moon Lake. It is the largest and most beautiful alpine lake in Taiwan. It was a great view.

 Kim and I at Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake

Our final stop was at the Wen-Wu Temple, which overlooks Sun Moon Lake. 

 Wen-Wu Temple

The temple
Another shot by Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake

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