Monday, May 13, 2013

Travel Day!!

Hello Everyone!

After a long, gruesome 24-hours of travel, we finally made it to the YMCA in Taipei where we will be living for half of our stay in Taiwan. Shot out to Kim who is now out of the US for the first time!

Our first flight left New Orleans at 7:45 am, we connected to Houston, then to Tokyo, and finally to Taiwan. The flight from Houston to Tokyo was the longest that I have experienced and it was rough. Thank goodness for individual televisions!

First impressions of Taiwan: Taipei is extremely busy, even at 10 pm at night when we were walking to our hotel, and there are lots of scooters. There are 7-11's on every corner, and my personal favorite, a Starbucks right next door to our hotel!

Some pictures from today:

Kim is ready for her first international trip!

 The journey begins...

About to board for Tokyo...see ya later USA!

 Theresa and Danielle after arriving in Tokyo. 

We made it!

Well, we are all exhausted, so more tomorrow!

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